Every once in a while, as a landscape photographer, you get to experience amazing light. I imagine this must be what golfers experience when they talk about that one game that brings them back for more. It makes all the mornings that didn’t pan out worth it. Well a couple weeks ago I got to experience that again, and it was absolutely magical – and several of the images in this set are from that same morning. It was definitely one of those mornings that I struggled to drag myself away from the scenes and get home so I could make it to work!
So what’s special about light in autumn? Well, nothing specifically actually – lighting situations can happen like this really any time of year, however it seems the conditions here in East Tennessee lend themselves to it most often in autumn… or maybe I’m just out shooting a lot more in autumn, so I see it more? I suppose it could be any of these things. As you’ll see common in all these images, however, is a nice golden light, and some wonderful fog or other “atmospherics” that give the light room to play, so to speak. The image above is perhaps my favorite, but honestly, I love all these! I hope you enjoy them as well.
–Dan Thompson
Alternate Perspective
ˈȯl-tər-nət pər-ˈspek-tiv- A substitute or different visible scene.
- Another view or angle.

Gorgeous! Every one.