Savannah, Georgia was originally designed with 24 town squares, and of those 24, 22 exist today. Interestingly, the 22nd one was only restored to being a square back in 2010 (it had been turned into a parking garage! Read about that here). I mentioned last week that it took me a little bit to “get” Savannah, and these squares were the key to me getting it.
On our last trip to Savannah, Holly and I decided to take one of the many walking tours that are offered in the city. We landed on Savannah Dan as our tour guide, and led us through 5 of the 22. Dan is a wonderful guide and extremely knowledgeable. And it was through this guided walk that I really began to appreciate, not only the squares themselves, but also all the buildings surrounding the squares.
From a photography standpoint, as with Poland, I found myself attracted to the lamp posts, but also the gorgeous trees adorned in Spanish moss. After having taken the walking tour, Holly and I went back through the squares on the following day so that we could really take our time and I could spend some time photographing.
More next week!
–Dan Thompson
Alternate Perspective
ˈȯl-tər-nət pər-ˈspek-tiv- A substitute or different visible scene.
- Another view or angle.