There is a constant debate – in my head anyway – about which is better, Charleston or Savannah. Like many other places, Savannah admittedly took me a little bit of time to “get”. One of the things I immediately appreciated, however, was the River Street area. I have always been impressed by cargo ships, and if you hang out on River Street long enough, you’ll come face to face with at least one cargo ship as its travels to and from Savannah’s port area. If cargo ships are impressive from a distance, they’re REALLY impressive, intimidating even, standing next to them on the bank of the river as they sail past. Incredible. From the boardwalk on the river you can also see cargo ships being loaded and unloaded just upstream. You can see a picture of this in the section below.
One of the things we did this time, which we hadn’t done in the past, was take the ferry over to the other side of the river. There isn’t much over there, except an amazing view of Savannah! 🙂 The picture above and a couple below were taken from that side of the river, and well worth the short ride over (the ferry is free). Since you can’t really back away from the buildings (without going for a swim anyway – not recommended given the VERY large boat traffic) far enough to really take them in, the other side of the river affords you that chance.
Now, the part of the Savannah that I didn’t immediately click with, where all the town’s squares. This past time, however, I got it, and that’s next week’s Picture of the Week!
–Dan Thompson
Alternate Perspective
ˈȯl-tər-nət pər-ˈspek-tiv- A substitute or different visible scene.
- Another view or angle.