Well Merry Christmas everyone! I know I’m a bit late with that, so let me go ahead and say Happy New Year! I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday season so far.
I wanted to end my fall colors series – and the decade! – with this foggy road image. I love road images for a number of reasons, but this one with the fog is a particular favorite. To me, this image says that we have a path in front of us, but we don’t exactly know where it’s going, and that’s a good metaphor as we look to the new year and new decade I believe. I’m reminded of one my favorite quotes, this from The Lord of the Rings, as Frodo reminds Sam something that Bilbo used to say to him “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
About the image, it’s a rare occurrence that I have a photo session that yields more than one “keeper”. In fact, many sessions don’t yield any. It’s the nature of photography I suppose… or maybe I’m just not that good at it. 😉 This particular morning was special though, as I walked away with not one, but three! You’ve seen two of them already (here and here), and this is a solid reminder that when the light is right and there is fog around, keep shooting! You never know what you’ll come away with. It’s also a solid reminder to try different things. This is the only image of the three that are scenes I would typically shoot. The others I needed some encouragement and inspiration from a friend!
Well that’s all for this year folks. Next week is my favorite post of the year, my 5 favorite photos post, and I’m really excited to share it with you. Also, since it’s the end of the decade, I’ll also be doing a “Favorites of the Decade” post, so keep an eye out for that one in the future as well!
Have a blessed new year!
–Dan Thompson