As they say, all good things come to an end, and that’s definitely true of the fall colors here in East Tennessee! They were gorgeous this year though and I thoroughly enjoyed them while they lasted!
Some time ago Holly and I did a hike to Mouse Creek Falls in the Big Creek section of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. We went in the summer, but I remember being impressed with the river there, and I remember thinking we should try to get out there for fall colors. Well, we made that happen this year, and it did not disappoint. We didn’t find time to get out there until right at the end of the colors, as you can see from the photo above, a lot of the trees were bare already, BUT, there was enough color hanging on to give the scene a nice look to it. This particular stream can be fast moving and there are lots of bit rocks in it, so it looks really impressive in pictures. For this particular shot, I found this vantage point just off the trail at a bend in the river. Made for a nice pano!
While the colors were wrapping up here in East Tennessee, they were really popping in East Texas! East Texas? Yep! Next week I’m starting a new series on an entirely new place, and I think you’re going to love the scenery. I fell in love with it instantly! More next week!
–Dan Thompson