Okay, quick piece of trivia! Did you know that the word bijou means jewel in French? Me either! So Knoxville’s very own Bijou Theatre is actually the “jewel” theatre, and what a jewel it is!
Alright, so with the exception of my post on Easter Sunday, Picture of the Week this year has been entirely travel photos. Well, this week I’m bringing it back home to start a series of shots from around the East Tennessee area that I’ve collected over the past several months. Since I did something a little different last week, I wanted to take the opportunity to kick off this new series with something else a little different… and that’s an interior shot. I post lots of cityscapes and street type photos, but I don’t do just a whole lot of interior shots. It’s something I definitely enjoy, I just don’t get the chance to do it as often. A few weeks ago though, my niece was helping out The Knoxville Jazz Orchestra get setup for one of their concerts at the Bijou Theatre and so I took the opportunity to wander around in the building and do some photography. I absolutely love the inside of this theater (or is it theatre… since it’s French and all!) as there are just so many beautiful details! As I looked at it all, I decided what I wanted to try was a super wide angle panorama shot, that included everything from the ceiling to the floor. Not particularly easy to do, but it was a ton of fun to work on. In the end, I’m really happy with the results… and now I’m wanting to shoot the inside of the Tennessee Theater! 🙂
Next week, back to nature!
–Dan Thompson