I wanted to start my Picture of the Week series on Singapore with a photo essay of the city’s skyline, and what better image to lead off with than that of the Merlion. The mascot, or personification, of Singapore, however you’d like to refer to it, the Merlion is half fish and half lion. The one pictured above is a giant fountain that sits right on the edge of the bay in the central business district (or CBD as you’ll hear it referred to there). It, and the Marina Bay Sands building, the giant structure that looks to have a boat sitting on top of it, are two unavoidable parts of the Singaporean skyline, and I would argue, are what sets the cityscape apart from any in the world.

Holly and I thoroughly enjoyed our time in Singapore; its an absolutely lovely country, with very friendly people, excellent food, and beautiful gardens. BUT, more about the gardens next week! 🙂

–Dan Thompson


The Marina Bay Sands

The Marina Bay Sands building dominates the Singapore skyline, and is truly fascinating to look at. The lines seem to go in impossible directions, and then there’s the giant boat on top! Coming in from the left side of the image is the ‘helix bridge’, which is a walkway that leads to the Marina Bay Sands, and it interesting to look at in and of itself!

The Singapore Skyline

Leading down to the Merlion statue is a nice walkway, which is generally jam packed with tourists hoping to get a photo. Holly and I got up super early to watch the sunrise and had the place to ourselves (well, almost). I loved this view of the Marina Bay Sands reflecting in the bay.

The Central Business District

From on top of the Marina Bay Sands building you can get a better feel for the size and scope of Singapore. The CBD wraps around in the bay and then fades into the rest of the city in the background.

Fellow Photographers!

If you’re like me, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has been the central focal point, or the backdrop for, some amazing photos and memories over the years. Due to the recent wildfires, lots of people that live in the communities surrounding the park have lost everything. This is OUR opportunity to give back to an area that has blessed us so richly. Steve Zigler, Bill Lea, and I have partnered with The Great Smoky Mountains Association (GSMA) to establish a fund specifically for the photography community to donate to wildfire relief. This money goes directly to the GSMA, which will disperse it to families in need there.