I’ve been wanting to do a spot on software updates for quite a while now, but lets just be real for a minute, the topic just isn’t that sexy.  As is usually the case though, the topic’s relative sexiness rarely dictates it’s importance level (it could probably be argued that the exact opposite is true in fact).  I think by now people get that they should do software updates, but rarely have I seen it explained why we should do them.  On the heels of several major vulnerability announcements from Microsoft, Adobe, and now even the popular website hosting platform, WordPress, I decided it was definitely time to sit down with my friends on the WBIR morning show for a discussion.  The hope here obviously is that if people better understand the ‘why’ then they’ll be more inclined to pay attention when those little balloons pop up on their task bar.  Check it out and let me know what you think… oh, and while you’re at it… do those updates you’ve been putting off for months.  🙂


— Dan Thompson