Welp, I some how managed to completely forget last week when I started a black and white urban series, that this week was Easter! Whoops! Seeing as how it’s Easter though, I hope you’ll forgive me. 🙂 We’ll get back to Hong Kong next week!
This past Friday, Holly and took the opportunity to go to the mountains since I had the day off for Good Friday. We decided to head over to the Greenbrier section of the park in search of wildflowers, and while driving there, it occurred to me that I actually hadn’t been to the Gatlinburg area since the wildfires back in 2016. Though the community is actively rebuilding and mother nature is slowly healing itself, the destruction is still very evident. After our walk, we drove over to the Roaring Fork area, where the damage was much worse, and I have to admit, it was a bit surreal to look at. I was personally struck by the contrast of the burnt tree trunks, now surrounded by new growth and blooming flowers. After hunting around a bit I stumbled on this small yellow trillium blooming next to a burnt stump, and I stopped to reflect on the cycle of life illustrated by the scene. What a metaphor for Easter! Jesus died and rose again, not just for an interesting story to pass down for the generations, but that we might have eternal salvation. Hallelujah, He is risen!
From our family to yours, we hope you had a wonderful Easter!
–Dan Thompson