This week’s picture of the week is an ode to street performers… specifically this fellow we ran into in Seattle.
One of the big tourist draws in downtown Seattle is the Pike Place Market; you may know it as the open air market where the fish vendors throw fish back and forth to each other as patrons purchase them. In our recent trip to Seattle, Holly and I of course had to stop by.
While wandering around the market, you can’t help but notice the various buskers around performing for whatever change you’ve got in your pocket… some more talented than others; or maybe I should say some more elaborate than others. We ran into this guy in one of the many allies and when I passed by I couldn’t help but notice his unique mustache; a sort of miniature handlebar. My cousin Jenny immediately turned and said “you’ve GOT to take his picture”. I walked over and listened in on a conversation between him and a couple other musicians and when they were done I asked if he would mind if I took his picture. His response was classic… “Well that depends on if you tip well!”. 🙂 I handed him a couple bucks and snapped away as he lit up what appeared to be a hand-rolled smoke.
A short man who has apparently embraced his lack of height, the “Howlin’ Hobbit” as he’s known, is as entertaining to listen to as he was to converse with. If you’re ever down that way, keep your ears open for a man spinning stories to the high-pitched chords of a ukulele.
–Dan Thompson
thanks for the shout out! nice photo too.
btw… it’s not a home-rolled, it’s just a non-filter. things have been going well enough to afford the pre-rolls lately.
and y’know, I’m personally acquainted with a number of guys who suffer from the short man syndrome. they need to get on over it. srsly. I like living in the world of belt buckles and bosoms. it’s nice down here. 🙂