I don’t know about you, but I’m counting down the days till the official start of spring – as ever, I’m ready for winter to be over!  That said, we have had a few nice snows this year (and by nice, I mean pretty, but didn’t stay long), one of which was back at the beginning of January.  We also lucked out and had a clear night at the same time, so I took the opportunity to setup this scene here in our yard.  For those of you who have followed along with this blog for a while, you might recognize this swing.  It has been a muse of mine since Holly and I moved into our new house a little over four years ago.  I actually attempted this picture back in the summer, but the leaves are so thick on the trees that you can barely see the sky at all!  That summer shot helped me work out the composition for this image, which I was thankful for, given how cold it was outside!  Always helps to know right where to stand!

Featured in the sky this week is the California nebula (top left) and it’s neighbor to the right, Pleiades.  The big object, partially covered by the trees is the Orion – Eridanus loop, which includes the Orion constellation.

More next week!


–Dan Thompson