I mentioned last week how stormy it was during my western trip this year, and this week is a more accurate telling of that story. As you can tell, I embraced it, and more or less went storm chasing in the evenings after work. As a result, I definitely came away with some images that I feel are unique and different – if not a little scary looking.
For this week’s Picture of the Week (above) I was out shooting in the Lost Dutchman State Park and I kept noticing the mountain in the distance coming in and out of light. I setup and waited there for a while (you can see a different take on this same scene below) to watch the light change, and ended up liking this version the best, where the clouds are just starting to open up a bit, but no light was actually hitting the distant mountain yet. To me it almost felt like a scene from Lord of the Rings, with Mordor off in the background.
Down below in the Alternative Perspectives section, you’ll find a collective of other images I captured while roaming around in the storms. Immediately below you’ll even see what a rainbow looks like in infrared! This was totally by accident, by the way. With the storms coming and going, I had gotten out of my car, but only had a limited amount of gear with me so I could move quicker. I happened to have my infrared filter in the camera, and no other filters with me, when this beautiful rainbow appeared. Despite not being able to see the colors, I thought the gradient in the rainbow was still interesting, and the scene as a whole I thought was cool as well. I did run back to get the other filters, but by the time I had returned – of course – the rainbow was gone.
More next week!
–Dan Thompson
Alternate Perspective
ˈȯl-tər-nət pər-ˈspek-tiv- A substitute or different visible scene.
- Another view or angle.

These photos are beautiful!