The last time I visited Japan I was captivated by the Osaka Castle, but noted then that it was a bit challenging to photograph due to the layout of the site. Well, for this visit I’d had a chance to do some research and discovered that there’s actually a museum next to the site that looks down at the castle (the museum is partly about the castle). I absolutely loved the view it afforded as I thought it was neat how the very old castle was juxtaposed with the modern skyscrapers of the downtown area. A very literal old meets new. Inside the museum you ride an elevator up to a high floor, and then ride escalators down to the lower floors of the exhibits. I’m sure the workers thought I was crazy for riding the elevators up multiple times as I compared the views the various floors offered, but, oh well! Such a neat spot.
Once the museum closed, I went up to the castle and wandered around. I managed to find another neat reflection spot in the garden area, and you can find that scene below in the Alternative Perspectives section.
More next week!
–Dan Thompson
Alternate Perspective
ˈȯl-tər-nət pər-ˈspek-tiv- A substitute or different visible scene.
- Another view or angle.