Happy Easter everyone! I was thinking this morning about how I – once again – had not thought through the timing of my posts very well and that it was unfortunate that I’m full steam into this series on Hawai’i, with no good way to take a break from it. But then I got to thinking, generally on Easter my picture is a pretty nature scene anyway, why not a pretty scene from Hawaii instead of here in East Tennessee? God’s glory is God’s glory, right? 🙂 So in Hawaii we’ll stay for this week and next, and even better, I’m going to share a bunch of pictures this week that illustrate the awesome beauty of the Big Island. Let’s get to it.
The Picture of the Week this week is of ‘Akaka falls on the Big Island. This 422 foot tall waterfall sits inside a small but gorgeous state park that was just really nice. The main trail does a loop through a spectacular tropical forest, with the crown jewel being the falls. Holly and I enjoyed the loop so much we did it twice! To get this view I found that there was exactly one spot you could stand and see all the way to the bottom, but it required me to put my camera on my tripod with it extended as tall as it would go. Such a neat area. The day we went was fortunately overcast, but there were times when the sun shown through the clouds enough to make for some interesting lighting at the top.
Below I’ve shared a number of images in the Alternative Perspective section. You’ll find there a beautiful sea arch where we watched the sunset. The tail of a humpback whale – this was also a bucket list item of the trip. Holly and I took a trip with Captain Dan McSweeney and couldn’t not recommend his tours enough. Very very educational and enjoyable. Following that are a few other scenes I found around the island that I just really liked, and I hope you do as well.
More next week!
–Dan Thompson
Alternate Perspective
ˈȯl-tər-nət pər-ˈspek-tiv- A substitute or different visible scene.
- Another view or angle.