Aloha! (I’m seriously not gonna stop that till this series is over LOL) Welcome back to gorgeous Hawaii, where even the big city is picturesque if you ask me. I mentioned last week that I went to Hawaii for work, a conference actually, which was in Waikiki. Since I was there for several days, I had multiple opportunities to venture out and photograph the city in the mornings and evenings. The day before the conference started, Holly and I ventured over to this park that I had found on the map that seemed like it would offer nice views of Waikiki as it jutted out to a point beside the harbor. Well, when we got out there, it turns out that the area high schools were having wa’a (traditional Hawaiian outrigger style canoes) races! I don’t know about your high school, but the ones I went to definitely didn’t have canoe races out in the ocean! It was quite fun to watch and photograph, and as you’ll see from the various images below in the Alternative Perspective section, the spot was a good one. We ended up going back several times to experience it in different light.
Speaking of the Alternative Perspective section, there are two images I’ll call your attention to. The second to last image was a spot I found to watch the sunrise. The shore there turned out to be where all the surfers and paddle boarders took off from. Even though the light was very dim and the exposures long, the guy in the image managed to stand relatively still enough and progressed directly away from me such that I was able to get some action and the viewer still identify (perhaps with some help) what it is in the water. The very last image is a panorama I took of Waikiki at sunset. The setting sun and subsequent orange sky really lit up the buildings opposite it and made for some nice conditions, even though the sky behind the buildings didn’t really do anything.
More next week!
–Dan Thompson
Alternate Perspective
ˈȯl-tər-nət pər-ˈspek-tiv- A substitute or different visible scene.
- Another view or angle.