Happy fall y’all!
…And what a nice fall it has been! I took the picture above on Oct 14th up at Clingmans Dome, and at that altitude the colors had already come and gone by then. Here we are one month later though, and I’m still out shooting the colors! You gotta love fall in East Tennessee when we don’t get some crazy weather event that wipes all the trees out early.
Every year I tell myself I should start going to Clingmans Dome a little earlier in the fall. I guess I should start going in September! On this particular morning, however, it was just as well that I had missed the fall colors, because all the action was off in the distance anyway. There was a layer of fog and haze that was working it’s way through the mountains, along with a few passing clouds, as the sun’s light started illuminating the sky that I thought was all really neat looking. The sky itself was pretty cloudless, which is usually a disappointment, but there was enough “stuff” in the air that the part of the sky above the sun turned a nice tangerine color. The tops of those low level clouds picked up some of the color as well, adding to the drama. Definitely not something you see every day!
More next week!
–Dan Thompson