Like the image from the very first of this series, this week’s image was taken in my own yard. We were blessed here in East Tennessee to have a couple of pretty little snows this past winter, and this snowy scene struck me as I was walking around looking for photos. If we’re friends on Facebook, you likely remember seeing this same swing last fall, as it, and the surrounding little area were a bit of a photography muse for me (the tree the swing is in turned a brilliant yellow). In any case, it was so cold on this particular morning that I doubt anyone would want to take a seat in the snow, but standing behind the swing, I thought the view out in the distance looked inviting, as did the swing itself. As I’ve mentioned on this blog multiple times before, my eye is typically drawn to the really big scenes, so finding scenes like this, which are much smaller, has been a fun challenge for me.
Well, next week is the final installment in my winter black and white series, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it. As we’ve rolled into the spring, I’ve been exploring infrared photography, so I’m sure you’ll be seeing more black and white, and perhaps even some strange colors appearing on the blog in the future! My color sabbatical was definitely a learning opportunity, and as I mentioned, I hope you’ve enjoyed it. I sure did!
More next week!
–Dan Thompson