This past year when I visited Singapore, I was a bit worried I wouldn’t get any pictures outside (or much of anywhere) because of all the rain. It was absolutely pouring the rain when I landed, and continued to do so for the first few days I was there. One evening the rain broke for a few minutes and went up to the rooftop area to have a look around (my hotel had a pool on the roof, which was awesome… but I never got to use because of all the rain) and found this really cool scene looking down on the Chinatown area of the city. I love this view because you can really get a sense for the smaller buildings nestled among the giant high-rises that typically illustrate the city.
So many of my pictures from Singapore this past trip were shot from rooftops, it occurred to me this morning that I could have created a series just on that. Oh well! These are the things you realize after the fact.
More next week!
–Dan Thompson