What. A. Fall!

This fall has been absolutely amazing here in East Tennessee.  The colors of autumn were brilliant, and we had consistent rains, which means the streams weren’t all dried up as in years past.  It was the perfect combination!

To that end, I REALLY had a ton of fun shooting this season.  I doubled down on my stream scenes this year, and so literally every image of the fall colors I have also involves moving water.  I wanted to start my series off with this image from earlier in the fall (I believe this was from the last week of October actually), just as the leaves were starting to turn.  As I look at all the images I plan to share, you can really see the progression of color, which I find to be kind of neat.  In this particular scene the yellows reflected nicely on the water, which makes the shot in my opinion.  Something a tried a lot this year was shooting with a very wide angle lens, just above the water.  My camera go wet several times in the process, but no worries!  The images worked out and my camera is fine.

More next week!

–Dan Thompson

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