This week on Picture of the Week I’m starting my series on China from our travels there earlier this summer. I figured since I’ve featured animals the last two weeks (our cat Charlie and the non-snow monkeys from Japan) that I’d just carry the theme on through, and what better way to kick off a China series than with its most famous ambassadors, the Giant Pandas.
When Holly and I first visited China back in 2010, one of the things high on our list was visiting the Chengdu Panda Base, where you get to feed the pandas and even pet them! It was such a fun time that we wanted to do it again for Holly’s return trip, and for our niece Holly to get to experience as well. It turns out there are several different bases that are associated with the Chengdu Breeding Center, and so this time we went to the center in Bifengxia, which as it turns out, was WAY up in the mountains. It was a beautiful setting, and a LOT less crowded than the other base. The pandas at this base have a bit more of a natural setting to live in, and had trees they could actually climb up in, all of which made the photography better. 🙂 As before we got to clean the panda’s cages, prepare food for them, and this time we got to hand feed them, rather than feeding them from a long pole. It was quite the experience for sure!
–Dan Thompson
