Ah the spring greens! I love photographing in spring… to some extent maybe even more than in the fall. Don’t get me wrong, I love the oranges, reds, and magnificent yellows, but man, in the spring time, you can get some excellent contrasting colors. That, and the fact that spring represents the early color after muddling through the grey / brown winters we have here in East Tennessee. In any case, I love getting out and shooting these colors, BUT, the definitely represent some challenges. Any many cases, I find myself desaturating images, just so they’re believable (I’ve desturated this one quiet a bit… and looking at it… I might could do it some more!). That pop though, is really what I love about the season.
For this particular scene, some friends of mine and I were out photographing in Cades Cove one morning and happened to notice that the dogwoods were blooming nicely in front of the Carter Shields cabin, so we stopped in to see what we could capture. There is basically one spot to stand, where the cabin lines up nicely between the trees and doesn’t “touch” them in the picture (if there is no traffic, the best shot is actually standing in the road because you get even more separation). After scratching my head a bit and watching what my friends were shooting, I decided to go really wide, rather than try to frame everything up in a single image (my friends laugh at me because, as I say, my camera refuses to take pictures in portrait orientation [they just don’t display well on my website]). Needless to say, I was happy with the outcome!
More next week!
–Dan Thompson