Happy Spring everyone! I hope where ever you are has been more Spring-like than here in East Tennessee, it actually snowed a bit here on the official first day of Spring (and second). BUT, this cold weather will all be gone soon enough, and I’ve already committed to myself to not complain about it being hot this Summer! 🙂
At any rate, I’m transitioning this week into a series of more abstract type images (if you need some color, be sure to check out last week’s Picture of the Week of a magnificent sunset I witnessed in Singapore, it was jaw dropping!). As I’ve talked about on many occasions, I really enjoy the big scenes, whether it be beautiful landscapes or big city skylines, but I also have a lot of fun shooting scenes like the one this week, which are all about the lines. This week’s image is again from Singapore, but rather than the city’s skyline, is of one of the many tunnels and passageways that allow pedestrians to traverse the city. Like Hong Kong, which is where POTW will go next week, Singapore is a very walkable city. In addition to crosswalks, the city features lots of overpasses and tunnels like this one, to help move people, without disrupting the flow of traffic. This particular one was maybe 50 yards long, but had some nice twists and turns to it, which offered some excellent leading lines. Fun stuff!
–Dan Thompson