Alright, back to Asia as Promised!
I was doing some thinking about my series on Hong Kong (I actually do try to plan these things out) and I want to highlight some of the more rural places we got to visit there this time around. However, you’ll recall that last year I broke my foot while in Hong Kong, and so I felt like I had some unfinished business in photographing the city itself as well. Soooo… you’ll get both over the next several weeks. 🙂 I did want to start things off though, with a grand view of the city’s skyline.
I’ve said many times before that I absolutely love cities on the water, and Hong Kong has lots of both (city and water). This particular photo was taken at sunset one evening as Holly and I were walking along a popular peer on the Kowloon side of the city, and is one of my favorite views of the city (my actual favorite is from Victoria Peak, featured in the link above). Every evening the city puts on a light show, which is a tourist ‘must’, and the soundtrack is played over speakers along the peer, and so the crowds all begin to gather around sunset to take it all in. I’m generally not a big crowd kind of person, I much prefer the solitude of the wilderness, but as I’ve spent more time in Asia, I’ve slowly begun to just accept it as part of being there. Without question, there is a buzz and excitement along the water, especially as the day comes to a close.
–Dan Thompson
Hong Kong
Fellow Photographers!
If you’re like me, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has been the central focal point, or the backdrop for, some amazing photos and memories over the years. Due to the recent wildfires, lots of people that live in the communities surrounding the park have lost everything. This is OUR opportunity to give back to an area that has blessed us so richly. Steve Zigler, Bill Lea, and I have partnered with The Great Smoky Mountains Association (GSMA) to establish a fund specifically for the photography community to donate to wildfire relief. This money goes directly to the GSMA, which will disperse it to families in need there.