This week I’m kicking off a new series on California, and I’m starting in my favorite city there, San Diego. I don’t know if it’s just that we have good friends there, or if the city really is awesome, but in either case, I’ve really grown to love it. It has a nice skyline, and of course waterfront, which I always like for my photos.

This week’s picture took a big of digging to find. I originally saw this view on the city of San Diego’s website, and I instantly liked it because of all the boats. Given that it’s a coastal city, none of that was too helpful in determining it’s actual location. Using Google maps, I started looking around at the areas that would have a view of the city in that direction… still not much help. There are a LOT of boat docks and harbors around San Diego! I did get on top of one hotel that I found though… not the right view. In the end, I managed to stumble on a picture on Instagram from the same vantage point, and the photographer was kind enough to tell me what he took the picture from. Lucinda Street!

Lucinda Street is in a SUPER nice neighborhood over in La Playa, almost to Point Loma, and the street itself is steep enough to make San Francisco jealous. The quick elevation gain lends itself to a nice view of the city, straight down the street. If you want to check it out, bring a long lens though. You’re essentially shooting this between the houses down the street. I’ve shot there several times and the residents seem to be cool with photographers. I’ve had several come by and chat for a second as they were walking by. Definitely a cool spot!

–Dan Thompson

Lucinda Street