“You wanna go take pictures of rusty stuff?” – Words I love to hear
This week I’m taking a break from landscape and cityscape shots from our travels and I wanted to share some shots from a little photo excursion I took recently with some friends down to Birmingham, Alabama. Established by Colonel James Withers Sloss, the Sloss Furnaces produced pig-iron from 1882 to 1971. Today the location is a National Historic Landmark, highlighting part of the country’s industrial period, and the only blast furnace in the United States to be preserved by the US Department of Interior.
While the history of the place is certainly interesting, the place is a photographers dream! Well, I should say, it’s a photographers dream IF you like taking detail / industrial types of photos… and… I do. 🙂 We literally spent hours just walking around, photographing the various shapes and objects around the factory. Even with that much time, when the four of us got together to share our pictures with each other, there were still several in the bunch that got “Oh wow, I never even saw that” comments. Such a cool place!
–Dan Thompson
Sloss Furnaces
Machinery inside the factory

Light and shadow

Part of the Blast Furnace System

Rusty Parts