Back in 2011, I posted a picture of Holly and I with our cat Oscar for Christmas. As I mentioned back then, this is something we do every year, but don't typically post them… bascially because we do it just for a laugh. Everyone else is posting pictures with their kids doing funny things, so since we don't have kids, this is our only alternative. 🙂 This year, however, is the first Christmas since Oscar died, and Charlie subsequently moved indoors… so I thought I'd post an updated photo with him, since he's the king of the house now. Charlie is a much more patient cat then Oscar, but he'd certainly had enough by the time we got to this shot. The look on his face says it all!
Sillyness, and sad "cat people-ness" aside, here's to a wonderful 2015!
–Dan Thompson
Charlie says, “Enough already!”