Maple Leaves in Fall

    I've spoken on this blog several times about macro photography and why I like getting close, and paying attention to the details.  It has become part of my Fall tradition when I'm out looking for nice landscapes to photograph with lots of color, to also go and just bury myself in a tree.  I like to stand there and just inspect individual leaves… looking for who knows what, really.  Looking for something to catch my eye.  On this particular day, I was surrounded by a tree full of beautiful red and orange leaves.  It was hard to pick any single one out, as they were all stunning.  This particular leaf had a hole in it, and for whatever reason, it reminded me of burning holes in leaves with a magnifying glass as a kid.  I have many fond memories of making a "death ray" with my friends and catching small things on fire (poor ants).  And that… is why I like this picture. 🙂


–Dan Thompson