After many complaints about connectivity issues and crashing apps, Apple pulled its 8.0.1 release update for iOS and has now released version 8.0.2.  This latest version of the mobile operating system is supposed to fix these issues as well as drop in some new added features.  I was able to sit down with my friends at WBIR to discuss this, as well as the so-called "bendgate" controversy.


If you missed it, videos started popping up online recently of users who supposedly had accidentally bent their iPhone 6+ phones by simply having them in their back pockets.  Lots of people are chiming in on this one, and who knows exactly how true it is.  Check out the Forbes article that seems to have the most even handed information to date.  In the spot I mention that the iPhone 5 was not without it's own "bendgate" of sorts (or the less than tasteful "bendghazi") as can be seen here and here.  Is this all just an internet trolling for clicks style of hoax?  Who cares? 😉


–Dan Thompson