San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

It has been said that the Golden Gate Bridge gets all the tourists while the Bay Bridge (formally the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge) just does it’s job, but I have to say, it is quite the beautiful structure.  While Holly and I were there, they had just completed the renovations (they actually closed it again the weekend we were there to put the finishing touches on it).  Staying on Embarcadero, it was nice in the evenings to walk down on the boardwalk and take in the sights around the base of the bridge.

As part of the renovation, the bridge itself has been turned into a work of art.  For the next two years there is a lightshow of sorts on the North side of the bridge which was designed by artist Leo Villareal.  While I watched the “Bay Lights”, I couldn’t make out any patterns or shapes, but it was very pretty to watch just the same (here is an example of what it does).  Pretty neat stuff!

Hey, speaking of San Francisco, if you missed out on the SFBatKid stuff all over the internet on Friday, you owe it to yourself to go check this out.  The gist of it is, the Make-A-Wish foundation gave a 5 year old boy his wish to become a superhero for a day by turning San Francisco into Gotham City and letting him run around to fight crime.  It was a totally beautiful thing, so much so that President Obama even joined in to congratulate him on saving the city. So so neat.

–Dan Thompson