If you’ve followed along with my various star trails shots and the discussions that go along with them, you’ve probably noticed that I strike out more often then I get it right. Frankly, I think this is likely true for most photographers if you look at the number of shots they take versus publish, but for me and these specific shots, it represents a decent amount of time lost… BUT, I fortunately LOVE being in the Cove at night and chilling out under the stars, so I’m never really discouraged.
The Carter Shields cabin represents one of those places that I’ve tried several times to get a shot of it, and it just never came together. Well, this past winter my nephew and I were shooting at the Dan Lawson place and on the way out we decided to stop here just on a whim. After some goofing around we packed up and went home. Turns out, I liked this one much more then the shot I had gone to the Cove to get. And… that’s how it goes. 🙂
–Dan Thompson