Okay, I don’t *hate* it… but I do have a strong dislike for what I feel it is creating.

   Last week I had the opportunity to sit down with local photographer Lisa Mueller and my friends over at WBIR to discuss how smart phones and technology are changing the landscape of photography today (you see what I did there?).  Regular readers of my blog know that I’m passionate about both technology and photography… so you might be surprised to hear that I’m not always excited about breeding the two.  In the segment below I have a mini-rant about how I feel that Instagram promotes an idea that the effects you apply to a photo actually make the photo; whereas in my opinion the photo should stand on its own.  All photos from the 70s aren’t inherently cool just because they’re old… are they?

    Does this make me a photography snob?  Well… maybe.  Truth be told though, I’m no stranger to “effects”.  Black and white conversions could be considered applying an effect as could HDR photography (or even worse… a black and white HDR!).  Certainly selective colorization would be considered an effect (one that I’ve personally caught some grief over).  The difference is that I loved the image before messing with it; I loved it.  That’s the key here… that you love the pictures you’re taking; effects or no effects, instagram or no instagram.  Don’t worry what other people think of your images, just make images that are pleasing to you (even though I may hate them 😉 )!  I would just encourage you to spend as much time (or more) thinking about your composition and lighting as you do which effect you are going to apply to the image after you capture it.


As always, I’d love your feedback!

–Dan Thompson

P.S. There seems to be a little confusion as to what I’m “hating on”… and that is obviously my fault because I wrote it.  Instagram as a service is fine and serves a purpose.  I just don’t personally care for all the “gussied up” pictures that seem to be the norm there.  We can still be friends though if you like them. 🙂