There’s a joke here somewhere, and I think it starts with “You know you’re at a geek-fest when…”
This past week myself and three other coworkers had the opportunity to go out to Las Vegas for the VMworld 2011 conference. For those not in the know, VMworld is a huge technology conference focused specifically on virtualization with VMware and is full of tons of vendors, breakout sessions, keynote speeches, peer panels, hands-on labs (which are totally awesome, by the way)… and oh, by the way, you’re in Las Vegas to boot. This conference is where lots of new technology is announced and is an excellent learning opportunity. Needless to say, we all had an absolute blast.
One of the things that VMworld is known for is the blowout party at the end of the conference. There is always a popular band that plays, free drinks and food, and generally a good time to be had. This year the band The Killers played and I couldn’t help buy laugh when they went on stage and I looked around me and noticed all the cell phones in the air of people either taking pictures or video. Apparently cell phones are the new lighters… for geeks anyways.
–Dan Thompson