I’m using this blog to tell about my journey with breast cancer, but I want to make this post all about my biggest support…. DAN! So if you don’t want to read a bunch of mushy lovey dovey stuff, then skip this one. ๐
Dan has been everything to me thru all of this. Before cancer was a part of our lives he was always there for me, but since cancer he has really carried me. He loves me unconditionally and shows me daily. I really felt like the physical changes that my body would have to go thru would make me somehow less appealing to Dan. He has never once made me feel like that, but really just the opposite. He has loved on me and complimented me and looked at me the same as always. He has been willing to do whatever has been needed around the house and every little request that I’ve made. We have made more trips to doctor appointments then I could count and Dan has been right there with me for each one of them. He has made several sacrifices of his time and attention for me. He has let me cry and be mad and everything in between and loved me thru it all. He has hugged me and held me and encouraged me. There have been plenty of tears, but Dan has provided plenty of laughter thru this, too. He has kept me from taking things too seriously at times and reminded me that I’m still alive and have lots of living left to do. He has helped me realize that cancer is out of my control, but that what I do with this and how I respond to it is what’s important. Dan is my very best friend. He is a blessing from God and I’m so thankful that he’s my husband. I wouldn’t want to be going thru this without him.
Dan, I love you more than I could ever express in words, but I hope that for the rest of my life I can show you by my actions.
–Holly Thompson
WOW! As inspiring as your other blogs are this one is awesome. I don’t know what else to say. Everyone who has read your story realized what an awesome support you have in Dan. Both of you are blessed to have each other, a prefect match made by God. It just doesn’t get any better. Thanks for always sharing your heart with those of us who read your story and was inspired by it. We are blessed to know you.
What a nice Valentines gift to Dan! (If you get something beyond this tribute, Dan, you are truly blessed)! Praying for you tomorrow, Holly! I know God (and Dan) will continue to walk with you through everything, as will we! Love, Kathy
Hi Holly, I have been away from FB for awhile (FB just isn’t a huge draw for me) and have often wanted to come see how you were doing, but just haven’t. I’m glad to find out today that you are nearing the end of the ordeal…at least with the chemo and all that stuff. I knew that with your own strength and that of family members and a certain bald man, you’d come through with flying colors! I want to se a picture when your hair is grown in enough to have a cute pixie cut. I KNOW you’ll rock it!
Holly, when Dan was a baby, and even before, we started praying for the little girl he would eventually marry. We prayed that she would be raised in a Godly home and be a Godly wife. God answered our prayer. Thank you for loving our son.
Holly, I read your whole blog, and although BC is different for everyone, yours does seem to mirror my own daughter who was diagnosed in 2009. Right down to the watery eyes…and in her case runny nose too. She also said the hardest part was losing her hair. She buzzed it off and tried to laugh it off, but I know she cried plenty. She had a double mast with immediate recon. and also was Her2 pos., So exact same treatment as yours….and she’s doing great. We all live with the threat of recurrence, but wouldn’t it be awful if in 40 yrs. you had to say…”All those wasted years I spent worrying !!” It is a new age for BC. The treatments are superior to what we had only 10 yrs. ago and you girls will be fine. Being the spouse, parent, child (as you know) of someone with BC brings you right into their world, and you feel such a tremendous pride in seeing how they handle it.(Like you have a choice)I just wanted you to know that we appreciate your blog and from your pictures, you are a beautiful young woman. My daughters hair came in curly and thicker….and her new boobs look wonderful. And give our love to your husband Dan.
I almost never read blogs, but I am SO glad you have done one, Holly….it’s been so inspiring to read this and see how the Lord has strengthened you both and blessed your marriage so much through this. It brings a lot of encouragement about His faithfulness to me (and I’m sure many others as well). So proud of how you have handled this with such a healthy perspective. Looking forward to getting together with you and Dan soon. ๐