I’m using this blog to tell about my journey with breast cancer, but I want to make this post all about my biggest support….  DAN!  So if you don’t want to read a bunch of mushy lovey dovey stuff, then skip this one. ๐Ÿ™‚

   Dan has been everything to me thru all of this.  Before cancer was a part of our lives he was always there for me, but since cancer he has really carried me.  He loves me unconditionally and shows me daily.  I really felt like the physical changes that my body would have to go thru would make me somehow less appealing to Dan.  He has never once made me feel like that, but really just the opposite.  He has loved on me and complimented me and looked at me the same as always.  He has been willing to do whatever has been needed around the house and every little request that I’ve made.  We have made more trips to doctor appointments then I could count and Dan has been right there with me for each one of them.  He has made several sacrifices of his time and attention for me.  He has let me cry and be mad and everything in between and loved me thru it all.  He has hugged me and held me and encouraged me.  There have been plenty of tears, but Dan has provided plenty of laughter thru this, too.  He has kept me from taking things too seriously at times and reminded me that I’m still alive and have lots of living left to do.  He has helped me realize that cancer is out of my control, but that what I do with this and how I respond to it is what’s important.  Dan is my very best friend.  He is a blessing from God and I’m so thankful that he’s my husband.  I wouldn’t want to be going thru this without him. 

   Dan, I love you more than I could ever express in words, but I hope that for the rest of my life I can show you by my actions.

–Holly Thompson