Alright, well the car has made it home again for a little while so that my bank account can recover but I’m super excited about the progress that has been made so far. Something about seeing this thing actually sitting on those back tires gets me all fired up. Here’s the latest pix:
Looks kinda like it did when it left… except now it’s a funky green color and has a killer suspension
The quadra-link is completely in now
The back tires fit nicely. This is actually without the rotors on, so I’ll have even more room when it’s all in there. The camera angle makes it look tighter then it is. I can get my hand in there no problem.
I meant to get a better shot then this, but the tires fit in the wheel wells awesome. They’ll be tucked up in there perfect…
And we need to move them back just a hair, but no adjustment has been done to the setup at all at this point. Just straight out of the box…
I’m super excited about it though. I may try to get some more pictures of it later to keep myself motivated. I think my next step is to get the motor and transmission squared away and then take it back to the shop for the subframe connectors and roll bar, and then hopefully roll right into the body work / paint. Mo money mo money…
–Dan Thompson