St Thomas

“It is impossible to have a proper worldview if you haven’t first viewed the world” –Unknown

   Ten years ago this week, I left the continental US for the first time.  Myself and two friends decided to head to St. Thomas for a spring break trip.  It was not only my first trip outside the country, but also the first substantial trip I’d taken without my parents.  It was truly an eye opening experience… not because we got into trouble… but because of the freedom I think we all felt.  We spent our days snorkeling, scuba diving, and driving around the island, trying to explore every last corner.  My buddy Bryon (far right in the picture above) and I stayed up late our last night there… seriously discussing not going home and what life could look like on the island. 

    We obviously did come home though, and later that year I met Holly and we married not too long after that… and the travel bug bit her just like it had me.  It’s been kind of fun to think back on all the cool things we have had the opportunity to do and experience.  It is also interesting to see how our priorities are changing.  When we first started traveling it was all about nice resorts and people bringing us drinks with umbrellas in them on the beach.  The “good life” so to speak.  That morphed into a desire to see the world and experience its cultures… and quickly brought into light how fortunate we are as Americans; or at least how wealthy we are. 

    That brings me to the above quote, and where we stand today.  If you’ve hung around me at all lately and talked on a personal note, you’ve likely heard me talk about the book Radical by David PlattIt has been, without question, the most thought provoking book I’ve read besides the Bible… possibly ever.  The book challenges American Christians to change how we view our wealth and our responsibility to spread the Gospel and help others and suggests that we are called to do more; not in a legalistic way, but in a way that is truly fulfilling God’s purposes in our lives.  I am personally feeling compelled to tithe not just my money… but also my time, and my vacation days. This is quite possibly the next evolution in our travels; doing good for others while abroad.

   This summer our first step will play out in Szczecin, Poland.  Holly and I have signed up to help with a week long kids day camp through our church.  We’ll be partnering with a family from our church that has lived there for several years now and a group of international students attending college there in Poland.  I’m expecting this to be another eye opening experience.

    So am I ditching my goal of visiting all 7 continents before I’m 40?  Nope… and I’m sure there will be more beach trips in our future… however I have a new goal; make an impact in this world that will last long after I’m gone.

–Dan Thompson